The role of the Shielding Forum is to promote industry good practice and provide authoritative advice for all matters related to radiation shielding. It aims to promote the training and development of radiation shielding practitioners to ensure that the UK is, and continues to be, a centre of excellence for radiation protection. Its objectives are to:
Provide an industry forum for discussion of matter related to radiation shielding with particular emphasis on the sharing and development of industry good practice.
Distribute regulatory issues related to radiation shielding and facilitate the development of an industry wide view and response, where appropriate.
Promote the principle of ALARP in relation to radiation shielding design.
Provide opportunities for the development of radiation shielding practitioners, e.g. through the involvement and attendance of groups related to radiation protection as well as providing common industry training and awareness courses.
The Shielding Forum consists of a wide range of organisations across the nuclear sector. Members consist of Site Licencees and Regulatory bodies as well as independent companies who are regular practitioners of radiation shielding.